Freelance Guidelines

The Current is always seeking qualified, talented freelancers. If you're interested in freelancing for us, please follow these guidelines.

1. If you haven't already done so, familiarize yourself with the Current. In features, culture, food, and music, we do not cover the same subject or topic in a two-year period unless there is a compelling new angle. Regular columns are written by staff or dedicated freelancers. Most other formats are open to freelancers. Please note standard article lengths and take them into consideration when pitching a story..

2. Send a brief cover letter, resume, two relevant writing samples, and at least one story pitch to the appropriate editor. Email queries are encouraged. If your writing samples are archived on the web, you may include links rather than the full text. If we are interested, we will respond via email. Patience, persistence, and politeness pay off.

Email your news freelance submissions to:
Sanford Nowlin, Editor-in-chief

Food and nightlife freelance submissions to:
Nina Rangel, Food + Nightlife Editor

Arts freelance submissions to:
Kelly Nelson, Digital Content Editor

3. Editors occasionally assign pieces to freelancers, but successful freelancers also generate interesting story ideas. Pitch early and often.

4. For new writers, we might assign an article on "spec," which means you turn in a completed article. If we like it, we publish it and pay you. If we don't, then the piece does not run and there is no kill fee.

5. When you begin freelancing for us, you will receive additional instructions on topics including deadlines, pay rates, pay schedules, and the Current's policies, including a code of ethics.

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San Antonio's 20 best outdoor dining spots, according to Yelp

Now that the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer, the ideal season for outdoor dining is upon us.…

By San Antonio Current Staff

16. Elsewhere Garden Bar & Kitchen 103 E. Jones Ave., (210) 201-5595, "It's a great outdoor space with lots of table seating and swing seating. The vibes are immaculate, and the food and drinks are great." - Jen H.
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Historic King William mansion once owned by Joske's Department Store family for sale

A historic estate known as the Joske House listed this week for $4.3 million in the King William Historic District, and it…

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Image: Historic King William mansion once owned by Joske's Department Store family for sale
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The former San Antonio home of air-conditioning magnate Ed Friedrich is for sale

A distinctive Dignowity Hill home listed this week for $1.4 million comes packed with plenty of cool history. Literally. By "cool," we mean the…

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Image: 805 Nolan St.
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San Antonio protesters blast Trump's federal job cuts, action on Ukraine

More than 200 people gathered in front of San Antonio City Hall on Tuesday afternoon to protest the Trump administration's ongoing dismantling…

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Image: San Antonio protesters blast Trump's federal job cuts, action on Ukraine
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March 5, 2025

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